
Ask A Coach: Quiet Team

Q: My team is pretty reserved except for one person who always chimes in for ideas/input.  What can I do to encourage others to speak up in the meetings more?A: Often times more reserved people tend to want to think about things and feel put on the spot to come up...

Ask A Coach: Building Trust

Q:  My team seems to be guarded about sharing information or speaking up.  I think it is because we just don't know each other that well. How do I build trust on my team? A:  That does sound like it could be a frustrating issue.  Keep in mind that you can't mandate...

Ask A Coach: New Leader

Q: I’ve just been promoted to lead a new team. How do I help us behave like a team? A:  Congratulations on your promotion!  You are probably going through a transition now yourself, and your new team is going through the transition too.  I recommend meeting with the...

Ask A Coach: Disruptive Coworker

Q: I don’t lead a team but one of my co-workers is really disruptive to the team.  He talks over people in meetings.  He rolls his eyes when other team members speak.  The behavior has continued for a long time on the team. Is there anything I can do about it? A: ...

Ask A Coach: Low Trust Not Managed on Team

Q: I’m not a leader in my team, but my team has low trust and its making it hard for us to work together.  My leader doesn’t seem to be doing anything about it.  What can I do? A:   That sounds like a tough situation.  You can do a few things.  First, own your part in...

Ask A Coach: Concerns Silenced

Q: "In my current role, I'm not allowed to speak directly to my customer about the project I'm working on for them. All communication with the customer is managed by a project leader. From the directives and responses we receive back from the customer, it's clear that...

Are You A Team Player?

Blog Image: By lumaxart (Working Together Teamwork Puzzle Concept) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons Merriam-Webster defines team as “a number of persons associated together in work or activity:”. This definition...